Expert tips to ace the OSCE at your first attempt

Admin July 29, 2022
Expert tips to ace the OSCE at your first attempt

What is OSCE?

The Objective Structured Clinical Examination is a flexible multipurpose evaluative tool that is used to assess health care professionals in a clinical setting. It evaluates competency that is based upon objective testing through direct observation.

The word “OSCE” alone can drive students into a state of panic. Medical students feel nervous at the notion of having to role-play and act out a pretend scenario or having to interview real patients while being assessed and inspected in stations. The idea of being judged on how effectively you can handle a scenario on the spot is frightening, even for those who are aware that they must perform the scenarios in an OSCE on a regular basis to qualify as professionals.

Over the years, MWT Global Academy has supported tens of thousands of OSCEs both locally and remotely. It’s normal to feel anxious in the days before your OSCE, however the following advice for students should help you control your anxiety while you get ready for the test.

Learn from your past OSCE experience, but don’t let them influence your upcoming one

If you’ve previously taken part in an OSCE, you could have picked up some tips or received criticism for your weaknesses. Feedback has been shown to be a powerful tool for learning, and it can give you specific advice on areas you can improve when you encounter a situation like this again in the job. Take advantage of the chance to implement that advice but avoid expecting that your future OSCE will be exactly like prior OSCEs.

It’s possible that you’ll encounter new stations, circumstances, and even examiners. This shouldn’t deter you because your objective and goal at the OSCE station is to deliver a performance that satisfies all evaluation requirements. Your subsequent OSCE may be the one when everything “clicks,” you pass with flying colours, and you move one step closer to securing a position as a professional in your field of choice.

Rehearse repeatedly

In essence, an OSCE is a performance. An OSCE scenario can be practised at home with friends, family, or other students playing the roles of patient actors, much like an actor in a play who practises a scene repeatedly until the words come out without thinking. The hint is in the name of the “patients” you’ll be required to engage with in your OSCE—they’re called “actors,” and you’re an actor too.

The best-prepared and most persuasive students can anticipate performing well in their OSCEs, and practising different stations at home should be an essential part of your preparation.

You can even ask someone to be a mock examiner to really replicate the situation or you can participate in a Mock OSCE online with patient actors and real examiners. This website lets students take part in a Mock OSCE exam that is accurate as possible, with mock examiners scoring the OSCEs on a system that is generally utilized by medical schools around the globe.

If you are interested in taking part in a Mock OSCE with actual examiners and patient actors, you could visit and book for on a forthcoming mock examination.

Consider yourself a healthcare professional

Even if you are not a genuine doctor or a qualified medic yet, you can still get into the mindset of a doctor which will greatly help you in gaining confidence while you prepare for an OSCE exam. Presume that you have completed your graduation and are presently a registered professional on a normal day at work. This is something you must have imagined hundreds of times in your mind’s eye before you began your education journey. Realize that right now you have the opportunity to do it for real in the presence of people who will finally make a decision if you are ready to progress from here. If you can prove to the examiners during the OSCE exam that you are already a convincing professional who can assess scenarios independently, you will surely get through your assessment.

Utilize the given reading time prior to each station

Before you enter each station in your OSCE, there is a period of reading time. The next scenario is described to you, during reading time, which lasts for about two to three minutes. It provides you time to plan your strategy for handling the situation in light of the details provided to you and regarding the patient you will be meeting.

Take a moment to breathe deeply. Let go of any distractions and focus on the task ahead of you. The one thing that matters is to focus on the upcoming station.

Although two minutes may not seem like much time to prepare, anything you choose to concentrate on can have a very positive effect on how well you perform in the OSCE.

View OSCE videos on YouTube

It might be quite beneficial to watch recorded instances of excellent OSCE performances to have a better understanding of what you should do to impress the examiners. You may see various experiences of candidates taking the OSCE exam and mock OSCE stations on YouTube.

For a variety of videos, try typing “OSCE exam” or “Mock OSCE” into the search bar.

To help you remember the station protocols, repeat each step aloud. Be aware that you should write down any steps you find difficult to verbalise, practise them, and then try again. Practice makes perfect!


Keep in mind that you can reappear for an OSCE exam, so a single subpar performance is not the end of the world. If you are anxious or afraid regarding an impending OSCE exam, consider the tips mentioned in this blog. If have any further queries regarding OSCE exam consult the experts at MWT Global Academy who can help you a great deal.

You should rehearse your performance as if you were acting in a play, take deep breaths, believe in your professional skills, spend the reading time wisely, and watch OSCE videos as you study. Put these suggestions first, and you’ll be well on your way to getting a good grade.

Good luck in your upcoming OSCE; you can do it!